As we all know, life steps in and throws us some nice curve balls just to make sure we are paying attention. My oldest son was two weeks late in one of the hottest summers I have ever had to endure. To the embarrassment of my sister, and the amusement of my high school friends, I was still on the JV team my senior year of high school—you could do that in the old days. And no, I am not an undercover movie star. I am truly a teacher, one of the most noble professions around…just ask Matt Damon.
I have learned that we don’t always know what it is we need, and sometimes we have to be pushed in the right direction. My son came out perfectly cooked with ten fingers and toes and so developed he could hold his head up by himself in the hospital. Despite my lack of talent in basketball, I still like to go out and throw that ball around with my kids every once in a while. Besides, my future as a WNBA star was over the day I stopped growing at 5’6”. I truly did want to be a movie star but my life is even more rewarding now. As a teacher I get to mold our future, our children. Nothing could be more important than that despite what you hear in the media.
Now back to the whole reason I decided to write this blog. Life has once again decided to throw me a little test. Two weeks ago my nagging Achilles decided to flare up keeping me from running and biking. Now I know this doesn’t seem like a major catastrophe, but running has become more than exercise to me these days. I actually feel better emotionally after running out in the fresh air. It really starts my day off on the right foot, and the rest of the day I am filled with more energy. The other thing is, as my friend Betsy so aptly puts it, “I run so I can eat.” No exercise + yummy food = a setback on my road to flabulous. Finally, running is a social event for me. I can’t tell you how many friends I have made through running and how much I enjoy running when I have one of those friends next to me as I clock the miles through the streets of Murrieta and Temecula or any other city that will have me (thanks Sean, Steph, Kay, and Mary).
It is how we deal with these setbacks that defines who we are. While I have been a very unhappy camper about my running hiatus, I have been somewhat reasonable with my eating, which has meant very little change in the scale, thank goodness. I have continued to plan out my running year including two mud runs and two half-marathons before the end of the year. In other words, I am not giving up on myself. I may be on a small detour, but very soon I will be back to running three times a week, biking three times a week, and making sure I keep my body moving and active all day long. Thanks to my friends and family who always push me into greatness, I will be back on the road to flabulous in no time!