Last week for secretaries day, I was bringing some treats to thank the girls that support us in the work we do in the district I teach in. This year, I actually have two sets of office staffs I work with closely, so after dropping goodies off at our district support center, I headed back to the school site where I am based. I had about a half bag of Dove Promises left, and I decided that I could afford to try a piece or two.
Now the thing I love about these particular chocolates actually has less to do with the taste and more to do with the cute little sayings they include on the wrappers--there is wisdom included with these chocolates. The first wrapper told me, "Keep the promises you make to yourself." I am a person that works hard to follow though on what I promise to others, but I am not always good at doing the same when it comes to what I promise to myself. I have challenged myself to complete Ironman, and this is a promise I need to keep no matter how difficult the training becomes. That is why I am sometimes at the gym by 3 am, and why I did
4 1/2 hours of workout today even though I really didn't want to...a promise is a promise!
The second wrapper shared, "Too much of a good thing is wonderful." The first thing I thought was that the chocolate was reminding me that even though my workouts were challenging me, too much workout was going to prepare me for wonderful things--helping prepare me to become an Ironman in July. Then I thought that maybe the chocolate was recommending that I have another square because one is just not enough.
On the third wrapper was, "Stretch your body, stretch your mind." The chocolate was once again reminding me that I was pushing my body to its limits, but in the process I was also mentally preparing myself for the challenges ahead of me. Can you see why I love these chocolates and their inspirational tidbits?
It was at this point that I realized I had eaten three pieces of chocolate in less than five minutes and that maybe the chocolate was suggesting that if I ate any more of this delicious treat I was going to stretch my body and not in a good way. Point taken chocolate--and at that point I closed the bag and tossed it into the back seat where I couldn't reach it anymore.
I know that it is strange to have an entry about chocolate in a fitness blog, but I hope this tongue in cheek posting will remind you of a few things. First, you are important enough to promise yourself great things and follow through to make the impossible possible. Also, get yourself on a consistent exercise program so you can stretch your mind while working on firming up any flabby parts. And finally, remember that too much of a good thing is wonderful, but keep your chocolate to a minimum because nothing tastes as good as a healthy you feels.