I don't want to be a movie spoiler, so I will just give you a general idea of what it is about so I can share what I am taking away from this film. Walter Mitty in the beginning appears to be an ordinary man. He works at Life Magazine, which is in the process of shutting down its paper version and moving toward a digital format. He is not married, deals with his family as best as he can, and is just trying to do his job in the midst of the turmoil that comes with big changes. The one thing that sets Walter apart, is that he has the most vivid imagination, and he spends a good part of the movie dreaming what his life could be instead of actually living it. Because of forces beyond his control, he is forced to move out of his sheltered life and into a life of actually living out some of his dreams. The huge message I got from this movie is that we need to stop imagining what our lives could be and start making changes to make some of those dreams come true.
When I walked out of the theater, I almost couldn't even talk to my husband Sean because my mind was moving a mile a minute. As we approach the new year, wouldn't it be powerful for us to ask ourselves the following question, "What in our lives are we just dreaming about that in the new year we can make a reality?" It is time to stop dreaming it and to start living it!
I know that when I was obese, I imagined so many things for myself but could not find the drive to get there. I imagined what I would look like after I lost my weight, clothes I could finally fit into, and I even imagined Jillian Michaels was my personal trainer because I couldn't seem to get things together on my own. When I finally realized that I needed to rely on myself for this change, that is when change happened. If you are in this same place I was, what are you waiting for? I waited too long to change my life, and I would love if you would learn from my experience. Where do you see yourself one year from now? Start making changes in your life today. Even small ones will begin to move you in the right direction.
If you are dreaming about upping your fitness levels, start making plans to meet those goals. Is there a race you have always dreamed of doing but think you could never do? I am here to show you by example that you should never put limits on what you are capable of doing. I NEVER thought I could complete a full marathon. I remember watching my friend Jill set a goal to complete three full marathons and thinking how I could never even do a 10K. Fifteen years later I completed an full Ironman--so Never say never! That race that has been on your bucket list, now is the time to sign up, put it on your calendar, and start making plans for how you are going to make that dream a reality!
Whatever it is that you are dreaming about or wishing you could do, now is the time to get out there and start. Want some ideas for how to make those dreams come true? Check out a blog I wrote on 1/05/2013 that contains many links to help you set small goals in order to reach your ultimate goal. Many of these suggestions helped me to be able to now say, "I am an Ironman!"
So make 2014 the year you stopped dreaming...make this the year that you can proclaim that you are finally living your dream!