It was rough to fit it all in this week, but it is interesting how God places you in situations to remind you that things could be so much worse. This evening I attended a birthday party for a family that we have known for many years. They were doing a 55th birthday for the father of the family and they were also celebrating their daughter who turns three years-old. We are kindred spirits with this family, because they also have two much older children and then their little caboose, Nora. A few months ago the father was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer throughout his body. As I sat at the party and watched this family, I realized who really had it rough. Who was I to complain about a few less hours of sleep, a little stress, some sore body parts from running so many miles this week, when this little girl will not have her father at her fourth birthday party?
So hug your loved ones tightly and enjoy life, even when it gets a little rough. It could be so much worse, so take these little rough spots as times to prove to yourself how tough you are. When you fall, dust yourself off and push yourself even harder. You are capable of so much more than you would ever imagine...just put things in perspective and push through. It is so worth it!
I couldn't wait to get my box this week. I had ordered some really interesting items and I couldn't wait to get them into my kitchen. Among my goodies I received a Romanesco Cauliflower (see how beautiful it is below), a watermelon radish, a pink lemon, some colorful sweet carrots, baby bok choy, more of my beloved beets, Japanese mushrooms, and much more. My son loved eating the cone-shaped cauliflower florets raw, but they were even more delicious roasted. My favorite was the recipe I improvised. I sauteed the chopped bok choy in a little olive oil, added the Japanese mushrooms, added some oyster sauce (high in sodium but low calorie), and a dash of rice vinegar--so tasty! Can't wait to see what comes in my box in the coming weeks.