So in an attempt to be completely transparent, I need to share two things with you this week-- one good and one not so good. In an effort to get the bad news out of the way first, I must confess that I am once again having some difficulty making good food choices. I am spot on with my exercising, but I have become extremely careless with my eating. You may not have noticed, but I have not been sharing at all about my eating--that is because I have been lying by omission. I know I am being overly harsh about this, but I have known since Spring Break that I have been snacking too much, sneaking my beloved Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and even eating chocolate, which is a huge trigger food for me. I also know that if I just get this one little difficulty out in the open, I am more likely to make better choices. Although I may need to wait until I get home from Portland--the food is too delicious and tempting out here. I may just be setting myself up for failure if I try to start now.
Now for the excitingly good news--at least I think it is good news. My friend Karrie has talked me into pushing myself a little harder for the next year. In July of 2013 I will be doing the Vineman Triathlon in Sonoma. That means that I will not only be running a full marathon, but I will also be adding a 112 mile bike ride and a 2.5 mile swim to my race tasks. Now that I will be completing half-marathon #13 this weekend, I feel that it is time to push myself and see what I am really made of. So Crossfit may have to take a little backseat for the next year as I train for running, biking, and swimming, but I feel that this race will once again give me the challenge that I need to continue to make exercising a key part of my everyday routine. And if I make this public, I will have all of you behind me cheering me on--especially when the race gets close and I am having to put in a ridiculous amount of miles on the bike, road, and in the water.
Thank you my friends for allowing me to make my journey public on a weekly basis. I appreciate the opportunity to share my frustrations and my triumphs, and I hope that along the way I can in some way make a difference in your life as well. Maybe you can learn from my mistakes or maybe you, too, will be inspired to try something challenging that you never thought in your wildest dreams you could ever do. And then make it public--you are more likely to stick with it if you know you have your team behind you.