One of my friends had the above status on her Facebook page this week, and for some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It completely resonated with me! Maybe it’s because the last few weeks have been kind of stressful at work, or maybe it’s because stress and anger often send me running toward the nearest bag of M&M’s.
I have shared in previous blogs that I really care what people think. It is this caring that sometimes has more than one person or event taking up room in my brain as I relive each moment and how I could have dealt with it differently. It is the one thing that makes my position at work a little difficult. I have no problem presenting in front of a large group of teachers or parents, or doing a demonstration lesson in a classroom full of students I don’t even know, but if even one person is mad at me, or sends me a nasty email, it really upsets me. It is one of the main reasons I would never want to be a principal. I tend to dwell on things much longer than is truly necessary, which is not a healthy thing to do. Ironically, I actually found myself getting upset this week that people were worrying and complaining about small things when life could be so much worse, and here I was getting upset about them getting upset.
This got me thinking that often these things don’t just stay in my brain. I often let these squatters move on to other part of my body like my hips, stomach, and toosh in the form of the extra food I eat to “make myself feel better.” What is it about food that makes me think that by stuffing some ice cream or Doritos in the hole, I am going to feel better? I often end up feeling worse because not only do I feel guilty about the unhealthy food I consume, but I continue to dwell on what made me run to the food in the first place.
On my journey so far I have been working on my exercise, on making healthy food choices, and on not letting the scale define me, but I have my work cut out for me when it comes to dealing with stress and anger. I need to find a way to remind myself that I can’t please everyone and in the process I can evict all those freeloaders taking up space in my brain and other places they shouldn’t be. I wish I had the answers to this one, but this may be an uphill battle. So while I continue to run and bike my way to flabulous, I will be working on healthy ways to manage stress, so I can continue in the right direction on my journey to a healthier me.